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Professional Experience


Since 2022

Lecturer at the TU Dublin School of Art and Design,

Lecture courses:

Research Methods, Project management, Theory seminar –Value of Design, Thesis preparation and Thesis supervision.

Research coordinator for MA Graphic Design Practice.

School of Art and Design Research Committee Co-Chair.

School Art and Design Erasmus Academic Co-ordination.


Assistant Lecturer at the TU Dublin School of Creative Arts,

Lecture courses: Research Methods, Project management, Strategic management, Quality management, Theory seminar – Design Value, Thesis writing, Research coordinator for MA Graphic Design Practice.

2017 – 2020

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Art Academy of Latvia, project research: Identification system of Design socio-economic impact towards transformation of knowledge intensive economy in Latvia, nr. Cabinet of Ministers regulation Nr.50 “Operational program "Growth and employment”" 1.1.1. the specific support objective "To increase the research and innovation capacity of Latvian scientific institutions and the ability to attract external financing by investing in human resources and infrastructure" in the framework of the post-doctoral research support.



Associate professor at the Art Academy of Latvia,

Lecture courses: Design context; Design and State, Design Research Methods, Design for Society and Sustainability; Project management; supervision of Bachelor, Master and Doctoral thesis and projects.


2012 – 2016

Assistant Professor of the Latvian Academy of Art Design department, lecture courses: Design Management, Research Methods, Art Management; Insight Into The Creative Industries (Student creative business laboratory) and Project Management; supervision of Bachelor, Master and Doctoral thesis and projects.


Since 2014          

Visiting Professor:

Howest Industrial Design Center, Professional Bachelor Intensive Programs Design & Agriculture; Sports & Well-being, Kortrijk, Belgium.

subject: supervision at International and Intensive Industrial design program; ECTS 5

Latvian Academy of Culture, Program of Creative Industries Mangement

subject: Design Industry ECTS 3

EKA, University of Applied Sciences, Riga, Latvia

subject: Introduction in Design; ECTS 3




Visiting professor "Design thinking as Universal Design approach for product/service development”, Belarus State Art Academy, Minsk, Belarus.


Visiting Lecturer at The BA School of Business and Finance, Program of Creative Industries


subject: Design Industry Management ECTS 3.


2014 – 2015

Visiting Lecturer at Konstfack School of Arts and Design, Stockholm, Sweden

Xskool International Summer School, lead by Doors of Perception and John Thackara

subject: supervision at summer school; ECTS 7,5


2008 – 2012

Lecturer at the Art Academy of Latvia

Lectur courses: Design Management, Design Concepts, Research Methods, Art Management; Insight Into Creative Industries and Project Management, supervision of Bachelor and Master thesis and projects.


2009 - 2011

Program and project manager, project and program developer and lecturer of the Latvian Academy of Art's Professional Development Education Program Professional Education Educator Pedagogical Basic Program in Design; ESF project no. 2009/0208 / 1DP / / 09 / IPIA / VIAA / 005.


2007 – 2010

Head of the Technology Transfer Contact Point in Design Department of the Latvian Academy of Art; project no. TPK / / 08/01/002.


2007 – 2008

A pilot project funded by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency Design Audit and Design Consultancy for 15 Small and Medium Enterprises in Latvia, a representative of the working group from Ltd. H2E.


2004 – 2007

Senior official of the Department of Cultural Policy of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.


2004 – 2005

Working Group on the Development of the Culture Policy Guidelines for 2006-2015, Development of section: Culture and New Economy.


2002 – 2003

Senior official at the Foreign Relations Division of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.



Other Professional Experience
Expert of design education at the Erasmus+ Ka3-project Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Europe Extension (CALOHEE), representing TU Dublin.
Researcher in Erasmus+ project "Open Scholl for Village Hosts" - Project AGREEMENT NUMBER - 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-00003485 5, representing NGO "Creative Partnership (Radošā partnerība")

Member of SEGD (Society of Experiential Graphic Design) Academic Task Force.

Since 2021

Scientific reviewer for The Design Journal".


Keynote “Art of giving the Art Experience” at the first forum “Culture tomorrow” for professionals in Latvia.

since 2020

Curator and manager of the photo project “Normkritik Latvia”, adapted from the Swedish Institute, Sweden, organized in collaboration with the Embassy of Sweden in Latvia

Since 2020

Design education expert to evaluate the professional education modular programs "Product design assistant" and "fashion design assistant", Latvia.

since 2020

Design education expert for examination curriculum “Design and Technology” in the project “School 2030”, Latvia

since 2015

Member of Scientific Boards for Design Research Society (DRS), Learn x Design, Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE) Conferences


Member of Scientific Board, DRS Learn x Design 2019 Fifth International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Ankara, Turkey.


Leading designer of Service design and Design thinking workshops at State Chancellery, Republic of Latvia, for heads of institution to develop public services, program, Development of Human Resources in Public service, Riga, Latvia.


Expert in Design Trend research and Practical Design in Latvia, Valmiera and January 19, 2018 in Estonia, Waimel's Wood Encounter with Design and Innovations, the Estonian-Latvian Territorial Cooperation Program 2014-2020 for the project Innovations in Woodworking and Furniture Industry Products and export in Võrumaa and Vidzeme planning region (Wood and furniture), project Nr. Est-Lat35.



2017 – 2018

Co-chair of the panel and stream Not just from the center - multiple voices in design, Design Research Association "DRS2018. Catalyst, Limerick, Ireland.


2016 – 2017

Universal design consultant and design management for Liepaja Port Warehouse Restoration Project, Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia

since 2016

The curator and manager of the exhibition AccessAbility in Latvia, initiated by the Swedish Institute, including the adaptation of the concept in Latvia and the development of the Latvian profile.

Organization of the exhibition in cooperation with the Swedish Institute, the Swedish Embassy in Latvia during the Swedish Days in Liepaja, Daugavpils and Valmiera, Riga (LNB and Saeima), Limbazi, Jurmala.

The exhibition also includes the organization of seminars and workshops in the context of universal design for an inclusive society, the development of products and services, and graphic, communication design.

Partners: Society of Disabled People and their friends "Apeirons", “Es redzu" Society, Liepaja Society of the Blind, Social Services of Beverina and Kocēni Region, Rothko Art Center in Daugavpils, Liepaja Latvian Society House, Valmiera Secondary School of Art.



The Swedish Institute's exhibition Design for Dignity manager in Latvia, in cooperation with the Swedish Institute, the Swedish Embassy in Latvia, during the Swedish Days in Liepaja.



Assessment expert for European Commission projects in Horizon 2020.



International evaluation expert of Lithuanian design higher education programs at Vilnius and Kaunas universities.



Reviewer for a special edition of the Journal of Cleaner Production.



European Commission Collaborative Project Evaluation Expert in the Creative Europe Program.



Design thinking ambassador for radi! 2014 Latvia week.

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© Aija Freimane 
+ 371 29 40 98 60
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